great tidbit from The Daily Love:
“We are not seeking to get something from someone else, really. We are seeking the feeling place of the presence of Love in our lives. And that starts to come in when we start to Love ourselves enough to take action that shows us that we Love ourselves. And many times we must go through the darkness so that we can find the Light within. When we are distracted by all the external lights in the world, it’s easy to not be able to see our own Light. But when we are in the darkest of places, that is the moment when we are forced by a spiritual evolution to shine or die.
We come to the darkness, not for punishment, because we are sinners or because we are bad people. We come to the darkness so that we have no choice but to change. This is what spiritual growth is all about. Our goal is to not try to prevent this moment, but to become strong enough to live and eventually THRIVE through it.”