Top 10 Influences which Damage Immunity; Holistic Perspective

Yesterday I shared from Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Campbell-McBride the Top 10 Influences which Boost Immunity. On the flip side, here are her top 10 influences with damage immunity.

Top 10 Influences which Damage Immunity (summarized from p 223)

  1. Sugar and everything containing it.
  2. Processed carbohydrates.
  3. Chemically altered and artificial fats.
  4. Lack of high quality protein.
  5. Exposure to man-made chemicals.
  6. Exposure to man-made radiation.
  7. Drugs and medicines.
  8. Lack of fresh air and physical activity.
  9. Lack of exposure to sunlight.
  10. Lack of exposure to common microbes in the environment….The immune system needs constant stimulation from the microbes in the environment.

I love how her perspective is holistic. She doesn’t just talk about processed foods…she lists environmental toxins, and lack of exposure to sunlight and fresh air! I like that. And also how her immunity boosters include contact with animals and swimming in unpolluted waters. I love that! When you think about immunity, it’s true that it’s not just one aspect of your life, it’s everything! The land, the water, the air, the food, exercise, and– I believe too– LOVE and comfort and connections and family and friends and a sense of purpose; joy and excitement! It’s easy to get sick and curl up and die without these things. So, perhaps I went a little beyond Dr. Campbell-McBride’s perspective on immunity as listed, but I do appreciate her holistic perspective indeed! 🙂

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