Yay! I love da gym. One of my fav exercises is PULL-UPS!

Here I was, cranking out my SECOND  set of 15 consecutive WIDE GRIP PULL-UPS! woooooo!

This week I have been feeling super focused, feeling motivated to get strong and lean for my upcoming powerlifting and physique competitions! 😀

Love and lats and laughter and lattes n lunges n all cool things with an L cuz why not,


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Instagram n shiz

Hey lovelies!

I don’t post often enough on my blog…

To stay abreast (I said breast!) of my everyday stuffz, please become my friend on facebook (search Kristina Dobyns) AND be my friend on Instagram (@freestylefitnesss). I’d say I post most on Instagram, tho I generally operate far too much under the radar. I’m trying to put myself out there more, but it’s a slow process for me!

<3 and more <3


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2014 is going to be a great year

I know this is a little overdue in posting, but I wanted to share with you guys some of my 2014 “promises” and what I’m doing now.

I’m ready to get back to competition this year, I want to dance more, explore new horizons, get a bit more out of my shell; it’s the revival of KRISTINA!

On the gym front, I have returned to powerlifting. I want to compete in June and break some more records, so I am training with ...

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4 plates on Single-Arm T-Bar Row, woooo!!!

Last night I got plenty of food and plenty of sleep. Not to mention these past few weeks I’ve been hitting it hard, strength-wise. Thusly (I just wanted to say thusly), my workout at the gym was pretty awesome. Nothing special, just getting good numbers in, with plenty of energy and not trying too hard.

This included 18 wide grip pull ups (have to admit to using versagripps the whole workout, just FYI) (I think I did 18, 12, 12); rack chins with ...

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