Urban Ninja, B-girl Power, & Fitness Competition Videos

These are a few of my favorite vids that I thought I would pass along. These videos truly demonstrate the amazing capabilities of our bodies and nothing else BUT our own bodies! No wonder I love bodyweight training!!


Video above: Urban ninja. This is some parkour ish that astounds and impresses me with the degree of precision and agility required for these moves!!


Video above: Amazing b-girl power- my love!! With my background in gymnastics, whenever I break I naturally ...

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Being A B Girl: The Attitude of Fearlessness

There is a documentary coming out on our dance crew, Extra Credit Kru! 🙂 It is called “Being A B Girl: The Attitude of Fearless.” I am featured, alongside 3 of my crew-mates. It shows the passions of b-girls.

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Sweeeeet…B-girl the Movie coming soon~~

B-boys, B-girls, and dance-lovers- get excited! The movie BGirl is going to drop soon! This is the world’s FIRST legit movie about a B-GIRL! “Legit” as in high-quality movie, not a small documentary. This is great to provide additional exposure to b-girls across the world! B-girls have been in existence since the 80’s, but they have been a tiny, undetected population by most. It has only been through the impact of recent large-scale media such as Step Up, Step Up ...

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13 Week Program/Countdown to Breaking, Gymnastics, Kettlebells, Tire-flipping, Oympic Lifting, Boxing, Trail-sprinting, and More Lean and Mean Goodness

I was thinking…this injury stuff has been getting really old. I KNOW I can do acrobatics, amazing things, and be capable of so much more. Other trainers (inadvertently) tempt me, when they recount their fun tumbling practice, or do kettlebell snatches, or when I see my peers on stage…and I KNOW I can do these things. Yet I have a million and one excuses. Legitimate excuses e.g. injuries. But. Excuses none the less. I have been telling Caleb I will ...

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