4 month update: jiu jitsu, dancing, exploring, learning, tacos…


I’m sorry, I am a baddd person

I still feel very excited to be travelling, and I still feel excited to continue. So here I am! Sitting in a coffeeshop in Medellin (well…actually it’s a printing shop with a tiny table, but close enough), with the intention to relay some of the experiences I’ve had these past few months.

I have some random “journal” entries that I have kept, so I ...

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Connection Rio + Carnaval + Paraty + Source Temple, Etc

Sat 2/13/16 Connection Rio + Paraty + Happy Hammock 

Since the last update, I moved from Jabanga Hostel in Botafogo because it got sold out for Carnaval. Also, RFT was going to be closed too, at least partially, for Carnaval, so I accepted this. Also, I was curious to check out Connection Rio, as well, which is where I was headed.

Saturday I moved to Connection Rio in Barra Da Tijuca. It is a neat concept ...

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I suck ass but what else is new? #whitebeltproblems

RFT brazil, "working defense"Today in the morning I took the Pro Luta Livre class. I considered NOT taking that class, because I feel I am not at the appropriate level for the class, but I took a look at the schedule and nothing else in the morning really looked enticing, so I just decided to stick it out a few more days til I ...

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**San Diego to Costa Rica to Brazil***

Lovelies! Let me catch you up on what tha dilly.

After some existential crisis, I decided to do some travelling. Nothing like a good ole fashioned existential crisis to shake things up. I sold my car, gave up my housing, put my clients under the care of other trainers, put my stuff in storage, and disconnected my phone to save money while abroad. I drove down to San Diego to be with my family for the holidays and get things in ...

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No gi jiu jitsu tournament. It’s happening.

Okay, I’m just going to say this before I don’t!

I signed up for a no-gi jiu jitsu tournament on Sept 7th.

I am far from confident that I will smash, and in fact I might get smashed.


I don’t care.

Experience is good, regardless. Any competition mat time is useful, and I am looking for some competition from some girls, and that is what I am going to get!

I am going to make an effort to get in more no-gi grappling in the ...

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On Track

Hello peeps! The latest update is…I’m still on track! Just staying consistent with nutrition, cardio, resistance training, supplements, etc. I have NEVER eaten this cleanly in ALL MY LIFE! It’s pretty amazing. In one month I have not touched a piece of bread, candy, treat- NOTHING! And, I have adapted well so actually I am not really hungry, feel healthy, and could sustain this for a long time. I have also stayed consistent with the exercise and have not missed ...

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Are You a Magic Seeker? ->By ChickenTuna

I. love. this. Great motivation! For me…and to spread to my clients! When they are quibbling about not seeing results after one workout and one clean meal…or people asking me about how effective L-Carnitine is or anything else…yet their diet is not 100%…I want to say “what’s the point??”…no supplement can counteract an inconsistent diet…Anyway, “ChickenTuna” has been a contributing member of BodySpace (associated with BodyBuilding.com) for many years now and her abs are more than memorable. Yes, I know ...

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