Back & Calves & Cardio; Versa Gripps

Today I did back and calves and cardio. Here was my workout today:

5 min cardio warm up on the stepmill with HR 140+

15 reps wide grip lat pull w/ 95, 105, 105, 105, 120 lbs; superset with 20 reps seated calf raise w/ 45, 55, 55, 55, 55 lbs w/toes slightly turned in

15 reps wide grip barbell row w/65, 85, 85, 85 lbs; superset with 20 reps calf raises on the leg press w/ 90, 90, 90, 90 lbs

15 reps ...

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Update, Experiments, Next Shows

Hallo hallo! It’s my official “off season” and I am BUILDING! I have been eating lotsa cals, lotsa carbs, lifting heavy, and feeling STRONG! I want every figure competitor’s dream of great quads, nice glutes, capped shoulders, wide lats, narrow waist, nice calves, all that!! I am really motivated to use true STRENGTH as the foundation of my hypertrophy. I want to LIFT heavier and BE STRONGER. Yes, the most important thing is the aesthetics, but I am very interested ...

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1st Figure Comp Recap

On Aug 6th, 2011 (8 days ago), I competed in my first ever figure competition. It was the INBA California Natural Bodybuilding Championships. One of the ONLY all-natural organizations in bodybuilding. I had been wanting to do a figure competitions for years, and decided to embrace the challenge. I began a 12 week prep and it was amazing to prove to myself what I was able to accomplish, the discipline I was able to achieve, and everything I learned about ...

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Spotlight: Emily Stirling (WBFF Figure Pro)- Adv. Core Workout


I LOVE Emily Stirling. She is one of the few figure competitors who doesn’t stick with only old-school bodybuilding methods. Her style is often times functional, athletic, high energy, and plyometric. Interesting! Here is an example of a core workout she did that definitely does not fit into the conventional figure competitor core workout! Although it does still focus on the ...

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Developing Plan for Post Competition

I have been doing a lot of thinking about post competition and reading different things about it. It’s a really big deal. Competitors change their whole life focus for contest prep and take on this new form of dieting and training and LIVING, for this short moment onstage, then once it’s over and it’s traumatic and anti-climactic because it’s like…now what? It’s all over and life is back to “normal”…and what does “normal” mean anymore? How am I supposed to ...

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Less workouts, VERY Clean Diet= Unparalleled Low Body Fat

So peeps, just a quick update on what’s up. My first ever figure competition is THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!! AGHHH!!! The hardest part will still be the walking in heels (so far, that’s how it appears). My workouts have gotten less and less intense, and shorter and shorter– yet because I remain steadfast in my clean eating, I CONTINUE to drop body fat. It’s amazing! I weighed in at 122.4 pounds today. What the heck?! Craziness. That is LOW for me. Very ...

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Hydrostatic Body Fat Testing Results!!!

Wow! Great news today 🙂

I’m two weeks out, and was sooo curious what my body fat is.

I hate calipers and most other forms of body fat testing, because they are highly inaccurate. Luckily, I had heard of a mobile hydrostatic testing service called “Fitness Wave Norcal.” I was able to book an appointment with them for after my clients- yes! Serendipity 😉 For those of you who aren’t familiar with hydrostatic body fat testing, it is regarded as the ...

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Update & Invitation to My First Figure Competition!!!

Hello my loves! I am having a brief moment of energy and positivity so figured I’d take advantage of that to shoot out a blog post. Wow, there is SO MUCH I have neglected to keep you posted on! Bad blogger, BAD!

Thoughts run through my head of what I SHOULD have been sharing with you…my new-found love (and I mean obsessive delicious miraculous healthy mouthgasm) of macademia nut oil…any of my various weight training routines…any small regime changes I may ...

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