Oh my gosh, as I looked over my posts in the recent past, I realize I failed to mention a huge thing!!! — I decided to CENTRALIZE!
I have been going through a majorly transformative process these past few months and one of the insights I had was that I was draining myself with all the commuting. I decided to make it easier on myself and CENTRALIZE. So, I transitioned out of working in San Francisco and I MOVED as close to Evolution Trainers as I could! I moved about two weeks ago and it feels amazing! I am LOVING being so close to work, and I am LOVING the simplicity. Well, I mean, I do manage to keep myself very busy, but because my commuting is reduced SO MUCH, I have more time to work, I have more time to work out, I have more time in general! 😀
SO, I am ramping up my business at Evolution. I am there FULL TIME so no longer am I constricted by limited days there. I am there all the time, so peeps come and see me! 😉
If you are interested in setting up one on one training, or even want to venture forth with online programming, mention that you read my blog for a reduced rate! I would love to hear from you, so get @ me!
LOVE and more love,
nourishing food and piriformis stretching,