Master of the Box, Woodway Curve, and Powerlifting Update

Just a quick post so you peeps know i’m alive 😉

read this great article the other day, and wanted to pass it along:

Mike Boyle, prominent strength coach, writes how it is more important to be MASTER of the box before attempting to “think outside of the box.” Athletic excellence is not necessarily about any fancy tricks. Its mastery of the simple things. Rotation, single leg balance, deceleration, level change, properly pulling, pushing, etc etc…No fancy gadgets or elaborate set-rep schemes. Just knowing the basics. Deeply. Only from there can you move to *outside* the box. Hope that makes sense. If not, read his piece 😉

At Evolution, we got an expensive new toy! A high end, manual treadmill called The Woodway Curve. All the trainers are STOKED about this bad boy. The Woodway website describes that “only Woodway’s rubberized slat running surface absorbs shock at the point of impact, this running surface with a type A shore hardness of 38-43 was found by the Deutsche Sporthochschule in Cologne, Germany to be the ideal “softness” to eliminate the harmful shock to joints and connective tissues, while not changing proper biomechanics.” A further benefit is that it helps the nervous system ingrain a new running pattern while running on the curve! The curve forces the person to drive the foot forward and plant and propel it around in an elliptical pattern, which is different that what most people do- their feet circling behind them like The Road Runner! (meep meep!)

Check this out, for example:

Lastly, just a quick update on my powerlifting. Yes, I’m competing in less than 2 weeks. Yes, I’m excited. Yes, I recently twisted my left ankle while breakdancing, and yes a girl landed her head on my toe while we were grappling yesterday and I wonder if my left pinky toe is broken.

Smiles, squats, and sparkles
~Your Krys

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