In my varied personal and professional positions, I have come across a lot of information and I would love to share with you some of my favorites. I stand behind each link, whether it be an amazing exercise tool, a valuable nutritional resource, some inspiration, or something related to breaking (“breakdance”) or figure & fitness. Yes, my passions are a bit varied.
Please dig into the links below to learn about the best in:
Functional Training
TRX Suspension Trainer The original bodyweight-based portable fitness training tool that builds strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability.
Perform Better The experts in functional training and rehabilitation. The web sites has a toooon of great equipment. This is where I buy ALL of my equipment.

Precision Nutrition A wonderful, very comprehensive and practical nutrition program. This is what I recommend to my clients. The website also contains a lot of really great nutritional articles.
The Diet Doc A team of diet professionals that can help you with metabolic repair, permanent weight loss, or the mental edge in weight loss.
Flameout Inflammation Scavenger Very concentrated and pure DHA, EPA, and CLA super complex to reduce inflammation and promote healthy body composition. Information, motivation, and supplementation for gym rats. The world’s #1 online bodybuilding store.
Jay Robb Great tasting protein made with stevia
Layne Norton The official website of Dr. Layne Norton, a renowned prep/physique coach and pro natural bodybuilder/powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. A fabulous resource for aesthetic sports, optimising metabolism, reverse dieting, and more.
Metabolic Effect They call themselves “the Sherlock Holmes of the health & fitness industry, helping people find what works for them,” They do a great job in describing the importance of hormones in fat loss.Very practical info.
True Nutrition High quality supplements. The most awesome part is the capability of creating your own custom protein powder! You can specify how much and what kind of proteins you want, with add-in options. It will also calculate for you the macros in a serving for the mix you create! Use code KAD107 for a 5% discount.
How to Count Macros This is a great e-book for beginners on how to count macros. Written by Sohee Lee
Miracle Noodles low calorie noodles ;P
Muscle Egg Flavored egg whites, whaaaat?!
Tony Robbins An amazing self-improvement author and motivational speaker. The best alive. My favorite source of inspiration. I literally revisit his audio CD’s again. And again. And again. Particularly “The Power of Emotion” from Get The Edge. Very powerful!
Napoleon Hill The godfather of personal success literature. Author of the best selling Think and Grow Rich.
Your Balanced Body, Your Balanced Life E-book with fitness tips, inspirational stories, and other great reminders from Todd Durkin and other top professionals.
Positivity Blog Focused on positivity and opening up new possibilities for happiness and awesomeness through motivating articles on how to improve your life.
The Daily Love Blends wisdom with style and delivers a daily email and Twitter messages for a fast paced lifestyle.
Sisterz of the Underground Dope female hip hop collective that I am a member of. A site on one of the largest breakdancing events in the world. Bboy and hip hop blog, webstore, and forum.
Breaking Store Check out my Amazon store for helpful instructional DVD’s and gear.
Bodysport Figure, fitness, and bikini news and forum.
Hardbody Bringing you the daily skinny on bikini, fitness, figure & female sports.
Alli McKee Fit to Figure A figure competitor with an intelligent approach to training.
Alwyn Cosgrove’s blog Real World Fitness and Fat Loss Training; Professional Development for Fitness Professionals
Cassandra Forsythe’s Blog Female Fitness and Nutrition Scientist
Eric Cressey One of the industry’s top baseball conditioning trainers with a great blog and a lot of DVD’s and products about assessments and corrections, mobility, deloading, building maximal strength, and other extremely important topics.
Mike Boyle’s Blog One of the industry’s top strength and conditioning experts
Rachel Cosgrove’s Blog Best Selling Author of The Female Body Breakthrough
Robert Dos Remedios’ Blog (often humerous) observations of a strength coach