Client Success: From Lean to LEANER!!! 13.5% Body Fat, What!?!?

Today I’d like to give a shout out to my client Marina, who is a totally lean mean machine! She STARTED OUT lean, and she has been taking my advice and now is just getting leaner and leaner!!! such a lil dynamo!! 107 pounds of beast! 😉










Her fat mass has dropped, and her strength has been soaring! She is a petite ...

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Dynamic Mobility: Reduce Injury & Make The Most From Your Workouts!


What is it?

Dynamic mobility is a great warm up before training. Although there is a bit of semantic confusion in the phraseology, I am referring to “mobility” as contracting your muscles and taking your joints through their ranges of motion actively, as opposed to passively.

What does it do?

  • Increase flexibility
  • Prevent injury
  • Enhance performance
  • Make the most out of your exercises

How does it work?

More and more research ...

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Week 3 of Injury Rehab update

Today marks the end of week 3 of my 13 week program to healthy, lean and mean goodness. This past week I have been dealing with a cold, so have not been working out much…This week I jogged twice for 15 min as opposed to three times this week, and did shoulder rehab twice and knee rehab once instead of twice…I have not been icing…but have been stretching and all that good stuff. Knees and foot feel good, shoulder feels ...

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13 Week Program/Countdown to Breaking, Gymnastics, Kettlebells, Tire-flipping, Oympic Lifting, Boxing, Trail-sprinting, and More Lean and Mean Goodness

I was thinking…this injury stuff has been getting really old. I KNOW I can do acrobatics, amazing things, and be capable of so much more. Other trainers (inadvertently) tempt me, when they recount their fun tumbling practice, or do kettlebell snatches, or when I see my peers on stage…and I KNOW I can do these things. Yet I have a million and one excuses. Legitimate excuses e.g. injuries. But. Excuses none the less. I have been telling Caleb I will ...

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