1st Figure Comp Recap

On Aug 6th, 2011 (8 days ago), I competed in my first ever figure competition. It was the INBA California Natural Bodybuilding Championships. One of the ONLY all-natural organizations in bodybuilding. I had been wanting to do a figure competitions for years, and decided to embrace the challenge. I began a 12 week prep and it was amazing to prove to myself what I was able to accomplish, the discipline I was able to achieve, and everything I learned about ...

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Update & Invitation to My First Figure Competition!!!

Hello my loves! I am having a brief moment of energy and positivity so figured I’d take advantage of that to shoot out a blog post. Wow, there is SO MUCH I have neglected to keep you posted on! Bad blogger, BAD!

Thoughts run through my head of what I SHOULD have been sharing with you…my new-found love (and I mean obsessive delicious miraculous healthy mouthgasm) of macademia nut oil…any of my various weight training routines…any small regime changes I may ...

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