Client Success: From Lean to LEANER!!! 13.5% Body Fat, What!?!?

Today I’d like to give a shout out to my client Marina, who is a totally lean mean machine! She STARTED OUT lean, and she has been taking my advice and now is just getting leaner and leaner!!! such a lil dynamo!! 107 pounds of beast! 😉










Her fat mass has dropped, and her strength has been soaring! She is a petite ...

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Pushpita, Hot Mamacita!

Today I want to share the story of my client Pushpita. She was feeling too heavy for her 5’5’’ frame. On 2/21/12, she was sitting at 167 lbs (with very little of those pounds being lean muscle mass). She also did a 12 second plank  = x

She had a daughter aged 13 months and had gained a lot of weight POST pregnancy. DURING pregnancy, she had developed gestational diabetes, so she changed her eating habits and did a ton of ...

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Weight Loss Psychology

Weight loss is complicated, and it’s not complicated. Yes, it is energy in versus energy out- but if it was as easy as that, why do so many of us still struggle to lose weight?
I think one of the main reasons that people have difficulty in achieving their health and fitness goals is not ignorance. Everyone KNOWS stuffing their face with cookies is counterproductive to losing weight, everyone KNOWS that going out and exercising is excellent in improving his/her ...

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